Sorry for the delay in posting.Kaden got on really well at his hospital check up in Edinburgh.First of all we went to see the lady who made Kadens brace.She checked him over with it on and said he really has grown so hopefuly he will get another 6 months out of it but if we have any concerns with it getting small/tight to let them know as braces normally last from 1 year - 18 months.However by the next time for a checkup which is June he'll have had that brace 15 months.I said to her about his brace digging into his bottom and legs when he was sitting and often marked him with doing so...so the lady took som off the bottom @ the front and back and that seemed to make a difference.
Then Kaden went for an x-ray with his brace on to see what the curve in his spine is with the brace on as last check up it was 25 and this time it was 21!We are so pleased as the brace is doing what it should and preventing his curve from getting worse :) Kaden was a real star from start to finish as he got the x-ray on his own and stood and did exactly what he was told.
Then we went to see the surgeon who asked if we had any concerns which we replied no.He said he was pleased so far with Kadens progress as the curve is now 21 and he said the longer we can keep it straight with the brace the better,as Kaden will still need an operation but hopefuly not until he' in adolesance.
All in all we are so pround and thankful to have our wee star Kaden x
I have posted a photo of Kaden yesterday with his sisters boots on (he's so funny)as we have really bad snow here in Scotland already!.Kadens had a bad cold and cough this week and got an anti-biotic for it so yesterday was really the 1st day he was feeling better since being bedded up most of last week.