Kaden had a busy day yesterday - he had to see the physio at the hospital and the dietition and speech and language lady.As usual when we arrived at the hospital their were no parking spaces so we had to circle round a good few times and eventually we got a space.Running at the last minute we made it to the physio just in time.She worked with Kaden for about 30 minutes,getting him to concenate on sitting to standing.Kaden hates any kind of effort and cryed the whole way through - he was soaking of sweat!The physio said i should prop him up against the sofa and have a step or something half way between the floor and the sofa to get him used to sitting and standing,and if he falls he will relise he doesn't have too far to fall.She also said Kaden is terrifed of falling and we need to keep working with this issue and hopefuly he'll learn to loose his fear.The dietition also met us at the physio and said she had spoke to Kadens surgeon about an issue i was concerned about (he's recently started being sick 1st thing in the morning once his pump goes off)but she said its something they are not concered about.So on the feeding front we're sticking to what we do now - 3x bolus 80ml feeds a day and 50ml for 12 hours at night on his pump and keep trying oral feeds.The speech lady said the same about his feeding - keep at it every day and give him finger foods.But she feels he has an underlying problem with sensory issues as Kaden hates getting wet of any kind.He screams in the Bath and the shower so she was going to get us to see an occupationa therapist.This is fine with me,we need to find what he is scared of?
We met Kadens surgeon in the hall of the hospital just as we were about to leave and had a quick chat with him and he asked how Kaden was and if we had seen the dietition(which we had).He asked if the girls were enjoying the holidays.He is such a caring man(Thank godness for special people in the world like him)
Just before we left the hospital we bought a local paper and Kadens article was in it.
There was another article in today about Kaden,so if i can work out how to post it i will.
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