I took Kaden to the doctors on Monday to be told they had no appointments as Kaden had been up most of the night coughing his feeds up.On the way to the doctors he coughed up brown stuff which really concerned me.Once the receptionist told me there was no appointments i showed her his burp cloth and said i wanted him seen.She called a doctor who took Kaden through to his office and checked him over.After a thorough check the doctor said he felt Kaden needed to be seen at the hospital as he had deteriorated since Thursday.He gave us a letter to hand in at the hospital and he also called the hospital to let them know Kaden was coming.
Once at the hospital they moniterd Kaden and put him through to the asessment ward wher we waited for a doctor to come to see us.The doctor came round and checked him over and put him down for a X-ray.Once the X-ray came back she said it was pretty much the same as the one from January.Which they weren't too concerned about.Because Kaden wasn't keeping his feeds down and had a temperature they wanted him to stay overnight and start dioralyte which is just a water with sugar to see if he kept that down.
We were transferred upto the medical ward and got a isolation room - which was quite nice rather than a busy ward.Kaden during the night was awake every 1 hour,every time i put my head down he seemed to waken up.
On Tuesday the doctor came and had a look at Kaden and said i could take him home in the afternoon if he kept the water down until lunchtime - which he did.But my poor boy was just so miserable.
At around 2p.m the doctor said we could go and gave us 48 hour access to the ward if things were to change,and he said just call them and head straight back up.Once home Kaden was just sleeping all the time and they had given me the dioralyte home with me to water down his feeds.So in the evening i set up his pump and watered down his milk and put him on his pump.He sleot really well - in fact all night...and i couldn't sleep for worrying he was ok.
Wednesday Kaden slightly improved but is still very weak...but today he looks alot better although he still has a terrible cough.
I had the midwife yesterday and she checked my bloodpressure which was up...which i told her was probably due to worry about Kaden,so she's doing a home visit tommorrow to check it again.Hopefuly all will be well as i dont fancy the weekend in hospital!!