Kaden was at the hospital last week for a neo-natal checkup.The doctor hadn't seen Kaden since November last year and at that time had mentioned putting Kaden to a special school for children with learning difficulties as he wasnt walking or doing quite what he should have for his age.I was quite annoyed to say the least as i felt Kaden was slow and it was just a case of catching up when ready.Then during the year after still not seeing Kaden again the same doctor from the hospital sent a letter to my dostor referring him again to the same school which i declined yet again.Since then Kaden is walking talking and doing all the thing he should and SHOULDNT be doing lol.
When the doctor from the neo-natal saw Kaden and saw his capabilities she was quite impressed and said hes now following the chart/range of what a child of 27 months should be.She also mentioned the 'School for special children' again and said she was quite happy with Kadens progress and form here on in Kaden is a 'Normal' child as far as learning goes.I think a mother knows her own child and i wanted to prove her wrong!
On return from hospital we had a letter waiting for us for Kaden to travel to Edinbugh to see the specialist for his scholosis in December.So thats our next hurdle,we're just anxouis to see the outcome of what the spcialist has to say.
On another note Kaden and Jaxon are growing so fast at the moment.Jaxon is now in a big boy cot.However hes been a nightmare through the night waking about 2-3 times.I'm like a walking Zombie Lol!
Heres a few pictures of late.
1 comment:
Kaden likes to do things on his own time. Your boys are so cute!
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