Friday, September 5, 2008

'1 Year Today'

One year ago today Kaden got home from hospital.We can hardly believe where time has gone!!When we look back at Kaden then and look at him now it's hard to believe what he's been through.These days Kaden continues to take steps in the right direction and it's great to watch his every move.He can finally say mama,as for the last few months all i've heard was dada and it was wearing a little thin!!ha ha.Kaden also loves playing with his football and he can say ball.
His feeding seems to be coming along,with Kaden being a bit more interested in food -when he see's the girls with food he come flying over in his babywalker.And he also will take a good few spoons before he shakes his head!(although saying that he doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive)so we'll just be patient and one day it'll come - in his own time.
What a difference a year makes!!

1 comment:

SandiWake said...

Wow... Go Kaden! You CDH babies are truly amazing! I'm a friend of Cassi Reed's and had to check out your page to see exactly what a difference a year can make :) Wishing you and your family the best, Sandi