Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Park

Kaden had great fun yesterday...the sun actually shone at this end of the wolrd for a change!So we took a nice long walk to the park and the girls and mike went on their bikes.We walked along the old railway line to get to the park which took about 30 minutes.Once we arrived at the park the girls got an ice-cream and we headed for the swings.Kaden LOVES the swings.He also went on an basket type swing with the girls which he also LOVED.And once it was time to head off home and take him off the swing he started crying.
We headed back home via the railway line again,but mike and brooke got impatient waiting on Regan,Kaden and i so they cycled off home and left us to walk at our own speed...which wasn't very fast.Never mind we all made it home eventually.
A great day had by all.

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