Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Shocking News

We went to the hospital on the 27th feb to have our scan confirmed.The sonographer told us our unborn baby had a condition called diaphramatic hernia - which meant there was a hole in the babys diaphram at the left hand side,which the babys stomach had came up through and was now in the chest obstructing the growth of our babys lungs.He told us the baby had a 50/50 chance of survival at birth due to the fact all babys are different and they can never tell until once they are born how many air pockets they have in their lungs to breathe on there own.We were painted a very bleak outcome.He said our next step was an amnio to check if our baby had any other problems,and depending on the results they would stand by any decision we made - he said 1 in 4 would terminate - which we would never have considered unless our baby had any other abnormalities.We then booked in for the amnio to be done the next day- and thereafter we had to wait 2 or 3 days for the 1st results to come back-which were fine and then 2 weeks for the rest,which seemed like forever!!Thankfully the came back fine too!!

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